Technology (7)

How to compare the results of Oligoscan with other laboratory tests?

In short, not at all. The Oligoscan measures intracellularly. Blood tests show metals which have circulated recently. Metals are dumped within a few days from the blood stream into the tissues. Blood can therefore only be used in acute situations for toxic metals. The amount of minerals and trace elements is kept fairly constant in blood. Many people with muscle cramps often have a normal magnesium level in serum, also if the magnesium content is measured in red blood cells. The Oligoscan in these cases, shows a magnesium deficiency.

Urinalysis shows to what extent the body can excrete metals. In a normal spontaneous urine sample almost nothing is excreted. Only after the body is provoked increased metal concentrations are found in the urine. This is done with a challenge test for toxic metals. This is a valuable test that shows in what amount metals are present in the extracellular environment. The Oligoscan measures intracellularly. The challenge test and Oligoscan complement each other completely in this aspect.

A hair analysis shows which metals were present during the last months. But if a body cannot detoxify well, low amounts of metals will be found in hair. This is called false-negative results. Blood, urine or hair analysis let you and your patient wait for two weeks, while the Oligoscan provides results immediately.

How is the measurement with the Oligoscan done?

The actual measurement with the Oligoscan is very simple. After entering the necessary patient’s data the Oligoscan is gently pressed on four points of the hand palm. The light beam will determine the intensity of the electromagnetic signals of 34 elements. Thereafter, the computer calculates the results that are typically displayed on three A4 pages within 30 seconds.
On page 1 you find the results ​​of 20 minerals and trace elements, including a global overview of deficits and surpluses. The following elements are analyzed: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), silicon (Si), sodium (Na), potassium (K), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) , manganese (Mn), chromium (Cr), vanadium (V), boron (B), cobalt (Co), molybdenum (Mo), iodine (I), lithium (Li), germanium (Ge), selenium (Se) and sulfur (S).
On page 2 the results ​​of 14 toxic, heavy metals are printed, including the global metal intoxication, and the extent in which the sulfoconjugation of the liver is blocked. That is a function of the liver in order to neutralize toxins. The ratios of four major pairs are calculated: Ca/Mg, Ca/P, K/Na and Cu/Zn. In percentages the degree of oxidative damage versus protection is calculated (oxidation versus antioxidation).
On page 3 the degree of acidity (acidosis) and the predisposition to diabetes and allergies are listed. Finally, ten functions are analyzed based on the values ​​of all elements, such as enzyme activity and the cardiovascular system.

How can the results be known so quickly?

The Oligoscan is connected with a USB cable to a computer that must has an Internet connection. The measurement with the Oligoscan is done by means of a light beam. Nothing is faster than light, and the connection to the server with which your computer is communicating is as fast as normal Internet traffic. The results are known within a minute after entering the patient’s information.

What is the difference with the other technologies?

OligoScan has been conceived to make a precise test of the bioavailability of minerals, trace elements and heavy metals in the body’s living tissues.

The measure is made on the skin of the palm or on the drop of venous blood taken directly from the extremity of a finger (september 2013). This allows one to see what is happening directly in tissues and not in the body’s fluids which are thus much more unstable and less reliable.

Indeed, the test on the urine allows to see what the body excretes. Hair show what occurred in the body, a few weeks ago, even a few months ago mixed up to external factors. The blood shows what circulates.

The OligoScan test allows one to observe what happens in the muscle or in the venous blood, extracted from muscular tissue, therefore giving an estimate of the intra-tissular BIOAVAILABILITY.

What are the advantages for your patient ?

The patient is unquestionably the big winner of OligoScan test.  The test is realized in real time, pain-free, with the ability of immediate interpretation.

A longitudinal follow-up of the mineral and heavy metals status of the patient favors what medicine calls homeostasis, which is the functional balance of the exchanges and cell processes.


How does this device work ?

The method used by OligosScan to obtain the results on the amount  of trace elements and minerals, in the tissues is optical. It is a quantitative analytical method which consists of measuring the absorbance or the optical density of a chemical substance.

The basic principle is that every chemical compound absorbs, emits or reflects the light (electromagnetic radiation) on a certain range of wavelengths.

The more the sample is concentrated, the more it absorbs the light within the limits of proportionality expressed in the law Beer-Lambert.

The optical methods are used in the following domains: chemistry, pharmacy, environment, food-processing industry, biology, medical, clinical, industrial and many others.

In the clinical applications, the optical methods are used to examine the blood or the tissues for clinical investigation.


Is OligoScan clinically validated ?

OligoScan has been validated by our scientific team through an important series of comparative tests compared to the clinical symptoms presented by the patients.

Relevant correlations with blood tests have been observed.


Technical Requirements (2)

What do I need to test with the Oligoscan?

You need a computer or laptop (Windows or Apple) with an active Internet connection. The Oligoscan is supplied by us with an USB cable and software. We ship all necessary equipment to you. Installing the software is easy, but if necessary, we can walk you through it. The following patient data is entered: name, surname, date of birth, gender, height, weight and blood type (O, A, B or AB). The Rhesus factor is not important. Most people know their blood type, but if not, it can be requested via your GP or obtained through a self-test.

How is the Oligoscan installed?

The Oligoscan is supplied with the necessary software which is easily installed. After purchasing and installation you will receive a username and password before you can log on to the server.

Purchasing (3)

How Much Does a Practitioner Charge for a Test?

Practitioners worldwide charge $80 to $220 per test.

  • $80 average in Poland
  • $220 average in Japan
  • $150 average in the United States

Is there a Cost Per Test?

Beyond the initial hardware purchase, there is a cost per test.  The initial bundle comes with either 30 or 60 tests loaded on your device.  The cost per test is either $50 or $55 depending on the option you choose.  When you get down to 10 pre loaded tests, your device will “refill” with either 25 or 50 more tests automatically (depending on the option you choose), charged to your credit card on file.

How do I get Listed on this Website?

By purchasing a device by OligoScan North America, LLC you will receive practitioner listing on this website.